Bamboo wood panlels cut out for wall design

The Woodcock Design Story

Husband and wife team Dave and Rachel Woodcock love using Plantation bamboo panels to make innovative furniture and homewares for their new business, Woodcock Design. “The bamboo is perfect for our business as it fits so well with our sustainable

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Innovative Bamboo X-treme Decking

New Plymouth based David Palmer is a talented DIY’er who has taken on many projects over the years. This was his first project using Bamboo X-treme decking. The deck is constructed from Bamboo x-treme decking with bespoke detailing, including a

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Plantation Bamboo Kitchen

New Ashburton Kitchen Impresses

Ashburton couple, Nicky and Andrew planned a significant project to renovate and modernise their home and kitchen, originally built by Andrew’s uncle in the 1970’s. Mastercraft Kitchens Ashburton were chosen to help create a contemporary style for the new kitchen,

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