Inspiring Artwork on Bamboo Panels!

Cambridge artist, Cara Fotofili recently discovered Plantation bamboo panels as an ideal medium for painting her latest series of commissioned art work for a Bay of Plenty hotel.

Cara has been painting commercially since completing her Master of Media Art’s degree. “I’ve been painting all my life, but only on more of a full-time basis for the last seven years or so”, she said.

Bamboo artwork

Describing her style of painting as “contemporary non-figurative”, Cara was only recently introduced to the potential of painting on bamboo panels by her Wintec tutor. She “googled” and found Plantation bamboo as an importer/supplier of a range of bamboo panels, then purchased two 15mm thick “vertical natural bamboo panels” for testing for her commissioned project.

bamboo panels used for artwork and paintings

“I really like painting on bamboo – it’s a nice material with a smooth finish that takes my paint very well” she said. “You can also cut it to any shape you like and don’t need to frame it, so the costs work out very favourable”.

Since successfully testing her painting on two bamboo panels, she has since bought five more and had them cut into large circles, to continue her project. “My client loves the look of the finished art work on the bamboo panel base” Cara added.

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